Sony EVI-D70 1/4 CCD click - This Sony EVI-D70 1/4 CCD is totally cheered all around. I would exceedingly propose it to anybody out ...
microcontroller project with Pic16f688 to control the sony dome camera's with rs232. i've tested with brc-300 and EVi-D70. One analog x-y joystick and 4 butt...
Va oferim camere provesionale din gama Sony Evi D30/D70/D100 si Canon VC. Camere ideale pentru videochat, videoconferinta, e-learning, streaming video. Pentr...
Ten film wideo został przesłany z telefonu Android.
Sony EVI-H100 PTZ Camera Zoom Quality Test.
Side-by-side comparison of the Sony EVI-HD1 and the Vaddio HD-20 PTZ cameras for videoconferencing support in a typical corporate conference room environment. On today's Q & A, questions on: HDMI, BlackMagic cams, and training volunteers Here are the lat...
The BRC-Z330 is the latest addtion to the Sony BRC Series line up. The unit is equipped with a 1/3-type 2-megapixel CMOS image sensor. The competitive list p...
Here is a video of new PTZ from Sony EVI-H100V / EVI-H100S live from Infocomm. Just introduced at the show. Also introduced are the EVI-D80, EVI-D90. Go to w...
Sony Exhibits the BRC Series Cameras.
Demoaufnahme mit Sony PTZ EVI-H100S im Hörsaal mit vorheriger White-Balance Einstellung. This is a product demo for the Panasonic AW-HE60 PTZ camera with the AW-RP50 remote control panel from Take One Film & Video. Highligh...
latency issue with evi h100s and atem me1 switcher. The problem is not in the switcher.
Con esta aplicación se pretende probar que la comunicación entre cliente-servidor y servidor-API funcionan correctamente, ya que al presionar un botón, se ha...
Testing a 3ccd Sony robotic camera.
Sony Network Security Cameras --- Technical information Video for the SNC-RX550, SNC-RZ50, and SNC-CS50 (DM10032V1); This movie shows the the technical infor...