Review of the Fuji F200EXR camera. A really outstanding camera! See my full review at:
Prezentacja aparatu F200 EXR.
In between high-end digital SLR cameras and simple point-and-shoot affairs sits a category of camera that gives some of the manual features without sacrifici...
Buy it Now: Kostenloses Know-how-sharing! Kostenlose Kamera-...
Viel Auflösung = viel Rauschen? Das war gestern. Der neue Sensor von Fujifilm passt sich der Aufnahmesituation an. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Kameraherstellern, ...
Buy it Now: Kostenloses Know-how-sharing! Kostenlose ...
[No-Edit PMA 09] Fujifilm presented its 12.0Megapixel digital camera 'finepix F200 EXR' at PMA 09 in Las Vegas.
Fujifilm introduces F200EXR with Super CCD EXR Fujifilm has unveiled the FinePix F200EXR digital compact, incorporating its new 1/1.6 Super CCD EXR sensor. T...
(3 of 8) What does EXR mean? See what this exciting new technology does to help you make the most of your pictures in any situation. For more information vis...
Here's how to set aperture manually.
Here's how to use custom white balance. You need a white piece of paper or anything white.
Kostenloses Know-how-sharing! Kostenlose Kamera-Überprüfung! "Kamera Handy Station" Tel: 04073442383; Whatsapp: 04073442383; Email:; Website...
Digital cameras: Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR Review Digital cameras: Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR Review.
Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR.
Grid lines are useful for image composition.
Sorry for uploading this video so late! This video was made around 3 weeks ago when my brother just bought the camera. The camera is his btw, not mine. Visit...