Kodak ELITE Chrome

Grain Fin
KODAK PROFESSIONAL ELITE Chrome 100 Film offre extrêmement fine grain, les couleurs pures et naturelles, les tons de peau. Il est idéal pour les gros plans, portraits, et des agrandissements.
- Extrêmement fine grain
- Les riches, les couleurs pures et naturelles de la peau tons

Détails techniques

Sensibilité ISO 
Nombre de poses


Quantité par boîte 
10 pièce(s)
  • 4K Sony FS7 Vegas B-Roll Slog3 to Kodak Elite Chrome 200 02:39

    4K Sony FS7 Vegas B-Roll Slog3 to Kodak Elite Chrome 200

    All shot on Slog3, grade via DaVinci Resolve using a special Kodak Elite Chrome 3D LUT. The slow motion shots were shot at 1080p and uprezed to 4K.

  • Kodak Elite Chrome EBX 100 00:45

    Kodak Elite Chrome EBX 100

    Die Bilder wurden mit dem Kodak Elite Chrome EBX 100 und der Lomo LC-A+ gemacht. Infos http://filmphotography.eu/kamera/lomo-lc-a-plus/ Video und Fotos von h...

  • VisionColor's "Impulz" - ALL Before / Afters Part 1 06:08

    VisionColor's "Impulz" - ALL Before / Afters Part 1

    PLEASE READ: This video only covers the cineon LUTs -with- the Kodak 2383 FPE (D50), one of the three included film print cineon conversion LUT's. 1 - Fuji P...

  • LUT 1 18:59

    LUT 1

    My color grading process for a GH4 footage sample: LUT: Dlog06.cube Impulz LUT - Kodak Elite Chrome 200 FS Color Finesse 3 Brightness and Contrast Photo ...

  • Strangers From Now On - Control 03:24

    Strangers From Now On - Control

    Shot on Kodak 35mm Elite Chrome, rephotographed on 16mm VISION2 250D. Hand processed. DIY telecine by Carl Looper. Film by Callum Ross-Thomson from E&E Studi...

  • Langkawi Kino 01:20

    Langkawi Kino

    Shot on location in Langkawi, Malaysia, with the Lomo Kino. Music: Lykke Li - Dance Dance Dance Film: Lomo - Colour 100iso x 2 Ilford - Black and White 100is...

  • The Veil 02:10

    The Veil

    This is my still-image film for the Photo Arts 3 final. Music is "Theme From Schindler's List" by Andy McKee. Check out the stills on my dA page: http://cate...

  • Lomokino Movie - by Jesse Lau & Ellie Chung 01:32

    Lomokino Movie - by Jesse Lau & Ellie Chung

    Camera: LomoKino (http://microsites.lomographyasia.com/lomokino/) Film: Kodak Elite Chrome 100 (EB3) Filming: Jesse Lau & Ellie Chung Video Editing: Jason Wa...

  • GoPro 4  Feiyu 3-axis Gimbal Test 01:16

    GoPro 4 Feiyu 3-axis Gimbal Test

    This video is about GoPro 4 Feiyu 3-axis Gimbal Test Settings on GoPro Hero 4 Black: 4K Resolution scaled down to 1080p HD Wide Angle (that's the only option) Edited on Final Cut Pro X,...

  • Tiny Tokyo time lapse 2014 by Day and Night 07:34

    Tiny Tokyo time lapse 2014 by Day and Night

    この一年間、東京で撮影を続けてきたチルトシフトなタイムラプスを昼と夜でまとめました。 my blog : http://darwinfish105.blogspot.jp/2014/12/blog-post_20.html camera : Panasonic DMC-GH3 and GH4 ...

  • Derelicts 02:00


    Ruined buildings in rural Ireland. For those who like this sort of stuff, all pics shot on Kodak Elite Chrome 400, cross-processed in C41. Music recorded abo...

  • Old and New 04:58

    Old and New

    虎ノ門ヒルズを中心に、新橋駅周辺、汐留の高層ビル群をタイムラプスです。 my blog : http://darwinfish105.blogspot.jp/2014/06/blog-post.html camera : Panasonic DMC-GH4 lens : OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO DIGIT...

  • jerk 00:38


    Holga+macro lens+ringflash | Kodak Elite Chrome EC 100 | xprocess 108 frames 12 fps http://www.flickr.com/photos/leatherheart.

  • My First Short Short 00:49

    My First Short Short

    Shot with 35mm kodak elite chrome 200 cross processed on the Lomokino camera. Music by Sean Fournier cc.

  • A Short Stroll to Royal Arcade,Melbourne - to test Panasonic GH4 12-35mm 02:14

    A Short Stroll to Royal Arcade,Melbourne - to test Panasonic GH4 12-35mm

    A Short Stroll to Royal Arcade,Melbourne with Panasonic Lumix GH4 & 12-35mm f2.8 First out of store test. GH4 Settings: Aperture Priority, Auto ISO, Custom C...

  • Sydney, Rozelle Bay - Sunrise with the Sony A7s 18:59

    Sydney, Rozelle Bay - Sunrise with the Sony A7s

    Testing out some of my lenses with a Sony A7s camera. The camera has a great low light sensor so I paired it up wit some of my favourite lenses to see how it ...

  • 20150422 - GoPro is Good for Recce and Documentary Works 18:59

    20150422 - GoPro is Good for Recce and Documentary Works

    On 20150423, I worked as usual, only that I taught in the afternoon. Entering lull period of MOE projects because of upcoming exams period. Sometimes I feel ...

  • Schweiz am Rhein 12:48

    Schweiz am Rhein

    Trips and sights along the river Rhine in Switzerland. Digital images from Basel, Rheinfall, Schaffhausen, Stein am Rhein, St Gallen and Kodak elitechrome 10...

  • Kodak CR Classic & Elite 00:59

    Kodak CR Classic & Elite

    Kodak CR Classic & Elite.

  • After Festival - 11th JeonJu International Film Festival 02:15

    After Festival - 11th JeonJu International Film Festival

    한국기술교육대학교. 사진촬영 및 감상 기말과제. 마무리가 부족한 자신을 보고 다른 사람들은 어떻게 마무리를 짓나해서 '~후에'라는 개인 주제를 정한 뒤 'After Festival' 이라는 스틸영상을 만들었다.